Thursday, April 28, 2016

In Praise of Love (and friendship, too!)

"All you need is Love" sang the Beatles, but "What is Love?" as that Dance tune of the 90s said, "Is this Love?" ask Whitesnake in their super famous song and... Well, enough, Javier.

The thing is that, if you think about it, "love" is a complicated term to explain; I mean, if you ask anyone to quickly explain what they understand for love, most will start by saying "it's something you feel when..." but most of those definitions will likely be imprecise, vague and ,definitely, very different from each other. Yes, love is not easy to define, yet it is one of the basic pillars/axes of a fulfilling life (along with health and wealth) and, undoubtedly, probably the main reason which has led to almost any human creation, endeavor, enterprise, undertaking or action ever. Yes, I challenge you to find any work that is not the result of any human passion. Most artistic or literary works stem from "the love of something or for someone": think about Shakespeare's literary works (Romeo and Juliet, Othelo, Hamlet, etc) for instance. But this is not limited to "romantic love"; some works stem from "the love of God" (the Holy Bible, the Koran...), the love of one's identity (wars of independence), the love of one's country/culture and contempt for others' (laws of immigration, Islamic terrorism...), love of a pure, superior, immaculate race (Nazism, ethnic cleansing, etc.), you get it, right?

So, the concept of love is so broad and wide that we're gonna focus here on the idea of  "romantic love", all right?
From very early on, we hear countless stories about what love is supposed to be: you meet the boy/girl of your dreams, marry him/her, start a family and live super happily ever after. Yeah, right. I guess some genuinely live a life like that: they meet their true soulmate, their significant other, hit it off like immediately, experience "love at first sight", find out that they are actually the Ying to the other's Yang, everything is nice and easy in their coexistence and never have a single argument or remarkable problem. If you belong to this group of people, lucky you. Most people, however, know that this thing called love is not devoid of difficulties and highs and lows, and that it takes some of one's commitment and effort.

First of all, all that "take me as I am" nonsense is... well, nonsense: in sharing one's life with another person/other people, one needs to be prepared to compromise and be willing to adapt one's personal ambitions, routines, hobbies for the sake of a greater good (i.e.: that relationship), and also be ready to change one's ways because, believe me or not, nobody's perfect. If you didn't have to change ANYTHING AT ALL in your life, you rarely take into account your partner when planning it and yet, they never question anything, but follow you instead like a loyal lapdog who's totally under your thumb, well, I'm not exactly sure that one is a very healthy relationship. It may be perfect and perfectly convenient for YOU, I guess, but I doubt he/she will deeply feel the same.

Secondly, we have to be ready to learn from our mistakes and struggle to not make them in the future: yeah, we all at some point MAY have been too dependant on someone or way too cold, aloof, indifferent to them, we may have been cheated on or have cheated on somebody, treated somebody like dirt or been treated like dirt- and lived with it-, let a stormy relationship go on way too long and end up in an acrimonious breakup or parted ways far too soon and ended a probably would-be-great relationship (maybe for not wanting to compromise at all!). "To err is human" says the saying ("and to forgive is divine" it continues). So there is no point in crying over spilled milk, bemoaning and cursing our terrible luck. The past is passed. So let's try to get over it and focus on the present and future. And I KNOW, as with many things in life, the "easier said than done" line applies very well when it comes to relationships, but let's just try, shall we?

Thirdly, we have to be HONEST with ourselves and know what we want in life, what we expect from ourselves and from other people. And be sincere. "What we do in life echoes in eternity" said that character Maximus in Gladiator. So, I think it is better to be brutally honest with yourself and the rest and accept that it may be difficult for you to have a "normal" relationship and sometimes feel like shit, than be full of shit because you cannot tell the truth if your life depended on it. Again, "easier said than done".

Besides, there's one thing that bums me out a little bit and it is the "mercantilism" that sometimes surrounds relationships, the laws of supply and demand that have almost always run love and romance; I'll explain myself: if you are wealthy, intelligent, fun, educated,good-looking, well-dressed..., finding a partner will be like 1 million times easier for you than if you're not. And, probably, you'll go for an equally valuable, pricey "item" (if you know what I mean). That categorization of people as products of variable value makes me a little sad. But I guess it has always been like that.

Finally, all that applies to romantic love could be said as well about friendship: if you find someone who makes you feel good and brings genuine happiness and joy to your life, they are a keeper. And as such, you need to take care of them! Stop finding excuses for not getting together with your friends more often because life has changed and people walk different paths and blah, blah, blah. He who has a friend has a treasure. Don't give them away!

What are your thoughts about this topic? Leave them on the comments box!



    First of all, thanks for remind me of that super dance song 'What is love?' The Dance music is the best, I don't know you could know this kind of music...

    There's no room for doubt that LOVE is an incredible feeling and that everybody should experiment it once in their life at least. I'm a very passionate person for everything I do in my life and this one is no exception. Love is very easy to feel and very complicated to explain. In my case, I've only been falling in love with only once, though later I've wanted much too.

    For me Love is -i.e- seeing your boy and immediately remain out of breath or being in a dance floor surrounding of 1000 of people and suddenly he gives you a kiss and everything it's stopped and it only exist you and him...... Ohhhh.... so nice! hahaha. Yeah, it's nice, I am not denying it, REALLY nice... At the beginning, everything is perfect, everything is in a pink colour and your smile isn't clean of your face. BUT then something happened and your sweet change into in your worst enemy. Something happen with that mankind,that even ask for sincerity is too much for them.

    Anyway, I've come to conclusion that only way I be able to get on well with a man is being friends. Yes, like friends they are great! Ok, you could meet a guy really interesting, FUN, intelligent, educated, sensitive... and on top of all that good-looking, well-dressed and even with six-pack(hahahaha) and immediately hit it off and everything is perfect! And for a momento (just a second) for your head could cross thought of 'Hey... it would be PERFECT... BUT if you cross the line of friendship to have something else and then it doesn't go well, you also would have to stop seeing him, losing like friend (how any time happened to me) and that would be a complete CATASTROPHE...

    I know that you can't say of this water won't drink but nowadays my door to love is close-but without
    latch-I love serenity and I don't miss that hurricane of emotions. This is my feeling today, in the future I don't know what will happen.

    What strikes me is,for example, when I travel to certain town and suddenly somebody tell me:' Ay chiqueta, how come you haven't got a boyfriend??You're so cute and fun... That it will have to do porkfat with speed!! For some people, you are single because you don't have candidate! -incredible but true-they never think that it might be a choice.

    Not no mention, when they go on typical 'rice topic': 'Hey, be careful with your rice... Your rice is going to overdone... What? Sorry, but my rice is still PERFECT and ready to rice with chicken, black rise or rise and milk ¿OK? (sure, there are experts in rise, hahaha) Don't worry about my rice ¿OK?

  2. Hey! No, thank YOU for writing!

    Of course I know many songs, regardless of their genre. That one is super catchy and you bet it got plenty of airplay back in the 90s. Meet JaviBlanco, the human jukebox hahaha.

    Great insights about love, Tatyana. Such an interesting, yet personal topic.

    Well, about my feedback:

    First of all, when you say things like "that it will have to do porkfat with speed" or "your rice is going to be overdone" or "you can't say of this water I won't drink", you know that those sayings in English do not make much sense, don't you? hahaha. They sound funny, but I doubt a native speaker would understand them AT ALL!

    I think you can mean pretty much the same saying, for example "what will one thing have to do with the other?", "hey, you're going to be too old to have kids!" or in a more figurative way "your biological clock is ticking" and "never say never" or "you never can tell", respectively.

    I recommend using the Wordreference forums for those more idiomatic expressions. The direct translation from Spanish rarely makes any sense at all:

    Some other observations (in order):

    "thanks for REMINDING me"
    "I've only fallen in love once"
    "... later I've wanted so badly"
    "... and immediately being out of breath/ breathless"
    "... being ON the dancefloor, surrounded BY..."
    "... not denying it, it IS really nice"
    "... everything is rosy/perfect"
    "... and you can take your smile off your face"
    "...and your sweetie turns into your worst enemy"
    "Something happens to men, that asking for sincerity seems too much for them"
    "The only way I am able to get on well..."
    "AS friends they're great"
    "... for a second, a thought crosses your mind"
    "losing him AS a friend"
    "just like it happened to me on many occasions"

    A couple of them, but again, a very interesting writeup.
    Just try to using the link above to compose your messages when using pretty idiomatic expressions, slang,ok???

    See you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. In my opinion, this entire “romantic love thing” is the biggest bullshit of the mankind, primarily for women. Let me explain myself…
    In spite of being married (and being in love with an incredibly almost-perfect man, ;) ), I personally think love is a biological trick in order to reproduce the human race. Independent women are the losers. I mean, although we all need to be prepared to compromise, women take the worst part; we have to make an “extra” effort because our commitment goes deeper than our partners’. If we decide to share a flat (or house, whatever), we take on the housework, for instance, and, finally, we tend to make sacrifices and, eventually, we put our hobbies aside.
    This situation becomes even harder with children, when you are permanently worried about everything and you don’t just have enough time for spending on yourself. Besides, you feel the pressure of your community and your own pressure trying to be the perfect mum, the perfect wife, the perfect woman, as capable as your colleagues at work (something urges you to show your colleagues and boss you are at same level or above)… even when you don’t have time for a five-minute shower. The funniest thing is that it’s supposed to everyone can criticize you, it’s insane! In addition to that, I don’t think men feel like that.
    So you sacrifice your sleep time, your free time, and so on and so for, and, as a consequence, you become in kind of a sleepwalker. But, you know what? You don’t have all the time in the world.
    I’m currently used to not having all the time that I would have to, I’m struggling with it. I feel I’m going trough not only a great experience but also the most difficult one (probably), that’s why I need to reconcile myself to the fact that I won’t be the same unconcerned girl anymore.

    1. Oh my gracious God. What an AWESOME writeup! Brutally good, and you bet I mean it.
      Trying hard to find any single flaw that would justify my trying to find a flaw, I just could see a typo ("so on and so for" should be "forth"), but that was quite probably a typo and nothing to care about at all!

      In relation to your views, I can of course just agree with you: in this big pantomime of the "perfect love story" thing, women are generally meant to put up with whatever is necessary for the sake of that romantic story to succeed.
      Some are starting to open their eyes, or so it seems!

      Great one!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Great words, Paula.
      Super interesting insights about love and romance and all ideas and stereotypes connected with both.

      If you ask me about possible imprecisions you may have written in exposing your ideas, there are just a few:

      "In addiction" should've been "in ADDITION"

      "In order to he gets them" should read "In order FOR HIM to get them"

      "If dancing MAKES you feel happy"

      "ON the other hand" it should say
      "I'd rather find a man" or simply "I prefer a man who..."
      "But we SHOULD not try to change..."

      "... attracted to people WHO/THAT don't like us back..."

      "Finding true love is very COMPLICATED"

      These minor flaws aside, your writeup is great, great my friend.

      So good! Keep on with the good work! It's definitely paying off!

  6. They say love makes the world go round,and I absolutely agree.No matter what one does or wants to get in his life,his ultimate aim will be always be loved.And here comes the issue.Nowadays,maybe due to our culture,on the whole it exists an immature and egocentric tendency which leads to us boasting and even pretending about our achievements,possessions and abilities(here that´take me as I am´ make sense) just in order to be loved rather than love.It is clear that being given requires less effort than giving,however,it takes a certain balance to make a relationship work.
    Anyway,I would not say "love at first sight",but sex-appeal at first sight;being gone on someone is another thing.I understand the love between a couple takes place only when they get to know each other perfectly well,so it needs the passing of time to succeed in love.
    In my opinion,in terms of friendships,there are different kinds of friends(or degrees of friendships):from acquaintances to close friends.I am only keen on last ones.The thing is that I can not help experiencing keenly every relationship and rejecting the superficial ones.According to my mind when one becomes an adult it is quite difficult to keep on a friendship with a friend of all times,as adult people tend to shift towards new interests,losing slowly track of those friends.That is why I think it is easier to have close friends in the childhood.
    When it comes to feelings I am a real mess,I mean,I am used to rationalizing everything;I would like to say what I feel,though,unfortunately I am just able to say what I think.

    1. ...his ultimate aim will be always TO be loved.
      ...that´take me as I am´makeS sense.

    2. Holy God, is this a truly SUPERB writing.
      Not only do I agree with your views, Diego ("most things we do in life, we do to be loved rather than to love": SO TRUE), but it is also written impeccably well! No faults to be found here, I'm afraid.
      Your writing accomplished its goals: reading flawlessly and getting across a really thought-provoking message. Food for thought, as they say!

