Saturday, October 31, 2015

Rhythm: connected speech and linking

Hey, dear students!

One of the probably most complicated things for Spanish students of English when trying to speak the latter language well is being able to link words in a sentence and pronounce phrases together, so we don't sound like robots or like dumbasses for that matter. English and Spanish are different in many aspects, and rhythm and intonation are some of them. Spanish is a syllable-timed language (so we speak it uttering syllables) and English, a stress-timed one (so sounds, words and phrases are pronounced at regular intervals). 
I have found on Youtube some interesting videos on connected speech and rhythm. I hope they can be useful and didactic enough for you, guys and girls. 
The thing about Internet is that there's way too much information to take in, and that can be overwhelming, but if you try to assimilate some little by little, I think you can learn and improve significantly.


Linking (like a native speaker Channel)

Elision of H in phrases

Linking words with contractions and weak forms

Connected speech and linking: American Pronunciation

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